Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What is phlebitis?

Phlebitis happens when a vein in the superficial vein system becomes inflamed and swollen. (It is also referred to as superficial phlebitis.) Spontaneous phlebitis happens when there is a sudden onset of vein inflammation.

Three out of 10 patients may develop spontaneous phlebitis after endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) therapy, but it is very preventable, especially if patients follow the post-procedure guidelines closely.

Post-operative requirements include wearing prescribed graduated compression stockings and walking at least 30 minutes a day. If a patient does experience pain or swelling, he or she should apply heat to the area (NEVER ice), elevate the legs, and take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

If phlebitis does occur and is not treated in its early stages, thrombophlebitis, or the formation of a blood clot associated with phlebitis, can develop. It is important to note that both phlebitis and thrombophlebitis are common conditions that both occur in the superficial vein system, not the deep vein system. (A blood clot in the deep vein system is called a deep vein thrombosis, or DVT.)

In our next post we will talk about how to prevent phlebitis. Contact us at the Vein Healthcare Center if you have any questions about phlebitis or would like to schedule an appointment.

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